If you’re stalling plans to modernize the entrance to your property, some misconceptions about gated security are probably getting in the way. With a million burglaries being reported yearly and most retailers experiencing losses due to theft, it pays to be educated about what upgrades are possible on your property. Thanks to so many advancements in gate technology, the solutions may be easier to achieve than you think!

This year, free yourself of preconceived notions that could be holding you back and leaving you vulnerable to costly security breaches – starting with these top four:

Misconception #1: You Have to Replace Your Whole Entrance to Modernize Your Gate

One common misconception that keeps people from a better gated system is the idea that property owners must replace their entire entry system to install a new, more modern one. In reality, there are numerous possible scenarios for upgrading a business or residential entrance. That’s why one of our main sources of business at Electronic Entry Systems is repairing mistakes made by previous service providers, as well as implementing upgrades in an existing system.

Many changes can be made to provide more safety at the typical gated entrance. Maybe all that’s lacking is an advanced intercom or an automated gate operator. A well-made gate that is functioning as it should may not need to be replaced. However, an outdated system could be keeping you from interacting with visitors and monitoring movement at your entry. Newer features and smartphone controls translate to more comfort and convenience. With so many advancements in this area, it’s worth looking into what can be added to provide added safety without replacing things that are still in good shape.

Misconception #2: An Electric Gate Will Be Harder to Use

Far from it. An electric gate should be easier to control, not harder. A series of advancements in technology, including improvements in gate mechanics, have led to much smoother functioning at today’s gated entrances. However, you want to be sure you’re investing in a product that has been tested by time – especially in areas like the Midwest that can be hard-hit by inclement weather.

Explore products with the latest electro-mechanical equipment to:

  • Enable automatic closing and reversing
  • Activate safety features when people are present
  • Allow emergency personnel to enter promptly
  • Continue to operate in a power outage
  • Allow for simple, periodic maintenance

As always with security, the devil is in the details. Ask your provider for detailed product descriptions, as well as testimonials to see what other clients have said about anything you are considering.

Misconception #3: A More Secure Entrance Can’t Also Be Beautiful

Anyone who thinks security can’t be beautiful hasn’t seen the incredible spectrum of customized gates like this wrought-iron entrance created by EES. If you do a little research you will discover that gates and fencing can be artistically designed to complement just about any architectural structure or type of property.

Misconception #4: High-Tech Security Isn’t for Homes

More and more, new technology is enabling better security at all kinds of entrances, including residential properties. What are your specific concerns? Improved security might take the form of license plate recognition software to help you track the flow of traffic at a commercial building. But it could also mean adding 24/7 surveillance equipment and infrared cameras outside of your residence.

Ask Electronic Entry Systems (EES) What Security Upgrades to Use on Your Property

The team of gate engineers at EES is happy to take a look at your entrance and let you know what your best options are. We have decades of experience providing sturdy and reliable automated systems on all types of properties, as well as follow-up services to ensure things are working just as they should.

Contact EES online or call us at 800-337-4283 to discuss which gated solution is best for your security goals.